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Liberal reforms essay

Liberal reforms essay

liberal reforms essay

Jan 13,  · ” The Liberal government introduced a series of reforms aimed at moving away from the Laissez-faire ideology and toward a more self help scheme aiming to move people away from poverty and to make Britain a better country both in health and prosperity; Churchill said “If we see a drowning man we do not drag him to the shore, instead we provide help to allow him Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins British History: Liberal Reforms Example | Graduateway Free Liberal Reforms Essays and Papers Progressivism. Progressivism implies a philosophy which welcomes innovations and reforms in the political, economic, and Liberal reform Liberal Reform The huge scale of the Liberal party's victory in the The Significance of

Liberal Reforms and its Impact on the Lives of the People -

To do this the Liberals aimed at giving aid to the young, the old, the sick, the unemployed and the workers; these groups will be discussed throughout the essay. These reforms were later regarded as the foundations for the welfare state. Children were one of the most critical groups for the government to help because they were unable to help themselves. They were also the next generation of workers and soldiers and knowing that war was looming meant that the government were very eager to improve their health, liberal reforms essay. Order custom essay Liberal Reforms and its Impact on the Lives of the People with free plagiarism report.

Both of these acts did not improve the overall lives of the young in Britain and showed that not enough was truly being done to effectively make change and that the liberal reforms essay of change was not enough. The general idea of it was to protect children from cruelty and corruption: juvenile courts were set up, imprisonment would occur in borstals, identity was protected, neglecting parents could be fined and age restrictions were placed on products such as alcohol and tobacco. The minimum age restrictions to products had limited success to start off with but it did make a difference. Overall, these acts liberal reforms essay were believed to guarantee better lives for children. The elderly were helped by being given an old age pension. In the government paid up to 5 shillings a week to people over The pension received depended on income and was set on a sliding scale so those with the highest income received for the least or none in pension money.

The idea of pensions was admirable but there were many unfair features of it when first introduced. Not all elderly British citizens could qualify for it; those who had avoided work, liberal reforms essay, had a criminal record, liberal reforms essay, or were habitually drunk were excluded. Therefore, despite the idea and intensions being good they did not go far enough to improve the lives and ensure security for the elderly. The sick were another group the government tried to help. A contributory scheme was introduced for workers in case of illness. At the time there was no free national health service and the poor usually could not afford medical help. One of the main causes of poverty was the sickness and subsequent absence from work so any amount of income during absence from work would benefit the worker and their family greatly.

However there were many problems with the scheme. For a start the workers did not like the idea that 4 pence of their money every week would be taken from them despite the possibility they may not claim on their insurance and they may have need the 4 pence for their own survival at the time. Also, it was only the workers themselves who were able to claim from the insurance liberal reforms essay the difficulties another illness in the family may put upon the other family members. Thus, to be of greater use and to have been viewed in greater favour by many this scheme would need to cover a broader spectrum of difficulties within the family unit and appear more obviously beneficial to the majority rather than just the worker.

Unemployment was another important factor of society which the Liberal reforms attempted to tackle. Part of the National Insurance Act dealt with unemployment; it was a contributory scheme like that from illness from both the worker and the government for which they would receive a payout when unable to find work. However, this payment only lasted for up to fifteen weeks so if they were unemployed any longer no help was given. The scheme also only applied to seven particular jobs. It was not designed to deal with long term unemployment and the labour exchanges act was slow and inefficient. However, in many trades and industries the government failed to establish a minimum wage level or a limit to working hours therefore did little to improve the lives of people during this period of change.

On the other hand there were many positive reforms passed to help this category. In miners secured an eight hour working day, liberal reforms essay. The government did make changes to this group but did not solve all their problems. It is wrong to say the Liberals created a welfare state. They did however mark a transition point between the old attitudes and the new attitudes towards poverty, liberal reforms essay. The reforms did help to improve the lives of many people living in Britain during this time but did not solve all problems faced by the government and by the citizens of Britain; poverty was not solved and many people still lived under the poverty line, housing was not improved and there was still no free health care and so until these issues were dealt with overcoming these major problems would be difficult to do.

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The Liberal Reforms 1906 1912

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liberal reforms essay

Jan 13,  · ” The Liberal government introduced a series of reforms aimed at moving away from the Laissez-faire ideology and toward a more self help scheme aiming to move people away from poverty and to make Britain a better country both in health and prosperity; Churchill said “If we see a drowning man we do not drag him to the shore, instead we provide help to allow him Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins British History: Liberal Reforms Example | Graduateway Free Liberal Reforms Essays and Papers Progressivism. Progressivism implies a philosophy which welcomes innovations and reforms in the political, economic, and Liberal reform Liberal Reform The huge scale of the Liberal party's victory in the The Significance of

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