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Cause and effect essay stress

Cause and effect essay stress

cause and effect essay stress

Cause and effect of stress 2 Cause and effect of stress essay Stress has been perceived to come from different situations leaving challenges to an individual’s personal life. Sometimes managing stress becomes very complex and confusing since stress is classified into different types such as chronic stress and acute stress. People are exposed to many challenges that The causes and effects of stress are numerous and one’s ability to manage stress is vital in maintaining healthy living. First, stress is defined as an unpleasant state of emotional and physiological arousal that people experience in situations that they perceive as dangerous or threatening to their well being (Patel, 14) If one does not try to reduce his or her physical stress and try to eliminate it, the negative physical stress can cause many problems. Stress is a physical response to negative events that happen in someone’s life. "The body's stress response can increase your strength and stamina, speed your reaction time. And enhance your focus-preparing you to either fight or flee " ("Stress")

Stress: causes and effects - Words | Report Example

Stress comes from many different things and is the cause of many problems in a person's life. Stress management can be complicated and confusing because there are different types of stress. There are three main types of stress, acute stress, episodic acute stress, and chronic stress. Each has their own characteristics, symptoms, duration, and treatment approaches. Almost everyone has some type of stress. Some people cope with it better then others. Causes of stress are known as stressors. Stressors can be physical or emotional, internally or externally generated. Stressors can cause and effect essay stress events, situations, people or demands the individual perceives to be the source of stress.

The most common stressor is change, cause and effect essay stress, such as loss of a loved one, career change, illness or injury, and lifestyle changes. Stressors also vary amongst people; children, teens and adults are all capable of experiencing stress yet, there are some stressors that are specific to the age or type of person. Sources of stress are often categorized into "crises and catastrophes, cause and effect essay stress, major life events, and daily hassles. These "microstressors", when they accumulate have been shown to have a longer-lasting impact and contribute more to illness than catastrophes and major life events such as getting divorced, having a baby, or getting fired from a job. The body's physiological reaction to stress causes the following uncomfortable symptoms: The dilated pupils can lead to blurred vision.

Moisture redirected into the bloodstream makes the mouth feel very dry. The heart pumps harder and faster, which produces a pounding sensation and a racing pulse. Over longer periods, this can lead to high blood pressure, strokes, and heart attacks. The liver releases stored energy, Continue reading this essay Continue reading. Toggle navigation MegaEssays. Saved Essays. Topics in Paper. Example Essays. Cause and effect: stress. Continue reading this essay Continue reading Page 1 of 3. Next Page. More Essays:. APA MLA Chicago Cause and effect: stress. In MegaEssays. com, December 31, MegaEssays, "Cause and effect: stress.

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Cause and Effect Essay

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Cause and effect: stress essays

cause and effect essay stress

If one does not try to reduce his or her physical stress and try to eliminate it, the negative physical stress can cause many problems. Stress is a physical response to negative events that happen in someone’s life. "The body's stress response can increase your strength and stamina, speed your reaction time. And enhance your focus-preparing you to either fight or flee " ("Stress") Nov 06,  · There are various causes of stress which effect a person in various ways. The main causes of stress are competition, emotions, job stress, financial stress, workplace stress and teen stress. Stress affects almost everyone around because people of all age groups fall in the categories of these causes Cause and effect of stress 2 Cause and effect of stress essay Stress has been perceived to come from different situations leaving challenges to an individual’s personal life. Sometimes managing stress becomes very complex and confusing since stress is classified into different types such as chronic stress and acute stress. People are exposed to many challenges that

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