Feb 01, · A sentence of death prevents that person from committing another horrific crime. It also reduces the influence that person would have on prison populations, which may influence behaviors and choices of non-violent offenders upon their release. It prevents prisons from becoming over-populated Jan 28, · Though the decision to sentence someone to death is considered harsh by some judges and juries, there have been crimes and occurrences where a judge feels a death penalty is reasonable. I am against the death penalty, with my knowledge of its pros and cons it seems that the pros are over powered by the cons. Criminals who are facing life in prison, crimes of Oct 08, · The death penalty is an asset to society; it deters potential criminals as well as serves retribution to criminals, and is in no way immoral. The arguments against the death penalty often do not hold up when examined more closely
Death Penalty: Pros and Cons - Free Essay Example on SupremeStudy
The use of capital punishment in the justice system is a hotly contested subject in today's society with each side of the debate making valid arguments. The contesting sides hint at no signs of agreeing soon. Whereas the pro-death penalty debaters argue in its favor as a perceived means of deterring crime, reducing prison costs and retribution, the opponents argue against it believing that it is immoral nature and the lack of fool-proof in the court verdicts. One of the common arguments for the death penalty is that it serves to deter crime. Therefore, to reach these ends, the criminal justice system should use tough punishments such as death penalty as a means of warning those intending to engage in the crime of severe consequences.
Also, the death penalty has been thought to be a remedy to the escalating prison costs due to a high number of inmates sentenced to life imprisonment. Currently, the United States' criminal justice system is holding 2. Proponents argue that there is no need of incurring taxpayers costs for such a huge population that does not contribute to the economy or meet their expenses and they should be hanged. Moreover, proponents of capital punishment support the act because of retribution. The death penalty is awarded as retribution for a heinous crime such as killing someone.
It is believed that the only way to serve justice for the family and friends of the deceased is to hang the offender. On the other hand, opponents of the death penalty argue that killing is immoral. Many argue that man cannot give life and he has no right to take away what he cannot create. Therefore, capital punishment is immoral and goes against God's will. Another opposing argument and most weighty one is that court verdicts are not fool-proof Gupta Innocent suspects may be awarded death sentences. For example, a lower court may issue a death penalty for an individual, but when the decision is appealed, a higher court ends up reversing it. The problem is when the reversal comes after the innocent have been killed and cannot be brought back to life.
An example of such instance was that of Dr. Hawley Crippen hanged in for being accused and found guilty of murdering his wife Cora Gupta Crippen maintained his innocence until he was killed. Later studies have revealed that DNA found in the corpse was not for Cora. Also, the increased use of laboratory investigative techniques n criminal justice leading to death penalty issuance may be faulty. For example, in West Virginia, a serologist has been found to have falsified test results in hundreds of cases which resulted in innocent people being sentenced to lengthy imprisonment Gupta, If the death penalty were to be used, such souls would have been lost unfairly.
Death penalty pros and cons essays, the death penalty remains a weighty subject that has pros and cons balancing each other. Whereas it may be thought to deter crime, act as retribution and reduce imprisonment costs, it may equally lead to killing innocent people. It is even morally unjustified. Dezhbakhsh, H. Does capital punishment have a deterrent effect? New evidence from post moratorium panel data. American Law and Economics Review, 5 2death penalty pros and cons essays, Gupta, M. What are the Pros and Cons of Death Penalty? Which Method of Execution is Best. Nellis, A, death penalty pros and cons essays.
Life goes on: The historic rise in life sentences in America. Washington, DC: Death penalty pros and cons essays Project. If you are the original author of this essay and no longer wish to have it published on the ProEssays website, please click below to request its removal:. Sorry, but it's not possible to copy the text due to security reasons. Enter your email to get this essay sample. Enter your email and we'll send you a properly formatted printable version of this essay right away, death penalty pros and cons essays. Death Penalty Pros and Cons Essay Date: Death Penalty. This essay has been submitted by a student. Death penalty pros and cons essays The use of capital punishment in the justice system is a hotly contested subject in today's society with each side of the debate making valid arguments.
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IELTS Task 2 Writing. Unit 4. Step 1. The Death Penalty. Consider Both Sides / Opinion Essay.
, time: 10:09Pros and Cons of Death Penalty - Success Essays

Jan 28, · Though the decision to sentence someone to death is considered harsh by some judges and juries, there have been crimes and occurrences where a judge feels a death penalty is reasonable. I am against the death penalty, with my knowledge of its pros and cons it seems that the pros are over powered by the cons. Criminals who are facing life in prison, crimes of Retribution cannot justify death penalty–There can be no justification for an inhuman and cruel act as death penalty. Revenge for the victim is no justification for awarding of death penalty as it is an outdated thing and we cannot get the victim back by sentencing another person to death Feb 01, · A sentence of death prevents that person from committing another horrific crime. It also reduces the influence that person would have on prison populations, which may influence behaviors and choices of non-violent offenders upon their release. It prevents prisons from becoming over-populated
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