Apr 15, · Views on Career Essay. Date: 2 pages ( words) Categories: Career Back to list. This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay writers I will be tested in four different subjects: the Czech and German languages, biology, and chemistry. After my graduation, I would like to study at the Medical University to become a doctor. Ever since I was a child, I have dreamt of curing people and healing diseases. It takes a long time to study medicine May 27, · Essay On Career: Career is the most important part of one’s life. To put bread on your dining table, to gain respect from the society and for your self-satisfaction, a good career is a must. But the definition of “good career” is vague and depends on people to people. There is no such thing called as a good blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins
My Career Path Essay Examples | WOW Essays
In a fast revolving career environment, traditional viewpoints on the workplace essay about career becoming obsolete, as observed by scholars and business managers. When essay about career is making decisions about their future careers, external factors are fast replacing intrinsic influences. Career decisions are no longer only about passion, and an individual has to consider the various changes occurring in the society to inform the path they would like to take. My viewpoint has always been that as an employee, the career growth ladder I would have to follow is intern-junior employee-senior employee-management. However, this point of view has radically shifted after reading Robert Reich's projection for the state of employment in the essay about career century Reardon et al.
According to Reich, employee categories in the 21st century are evolving into three different divisions: Routine producers, in-person, and symbol analytics employees, essay about career. This means that instead of the traditional hierarchy of career growth, one now has to focus on what they have to offer their employer because many of the skills provided are widely available and can be outsourced from other nations at a cheaper cost Reardon et al. This is especially for individuals who fall under the routine producer category which majorly features supervisors, essay about career. The notion that the ultimate goal in the workplace is to climb the ranks to top management is outdated.
Thomas Freidman's 'flat world' theory presents a myriad of future career changes. Because of the fast-growing world interconnectedness owing to technology, which has flattened geographical boundaries, many economies are merging and are now running on a global scope Smith, This means that competition is increasing for both employees and essay about career. The only way to prepare oneself for this inevitable change is to embrace globalization while it is still in its early stages and to sharpen skills on emerging processes and essay about career to move along with the world as it changes.
Jeremy Rifkin's prediction on the 'end of work' is already coming true with the automation of work processes. Computer software and machines are in the process of putting millions of individuals into unemployment which necessitates the shift in focus on changing skills from production to problem-solving as proposed by Reich. This is cemented by Peter Drucker's opinion that in the future, employees' bargaining chips will be the knowledge they possess, not the physical work that they can do. Relating my desired future career to these points of view, I realize that it is necessary to equip myself with more than just the practical skills acquired from classwork.
Globalization, essay about career, processes automation, new employee categories and the emergence of the knowledge society are changing the workplace. All these factors indicate towards the need for more intellectual development, and less practical skills emphasis towards the coming decade which will be characterized by fewer supervisors, more machines, and increasingly global scope of essay about career. Reardon, R. Career development and planning: A comprehensive approach 5th Edition. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt. Smith, C, essay about career. We're living through a essay about career economic transformation. Peak Prosperity. Retrieved from www. If you are the original author of this essay and no longer wish to have it published on the ProEssays website, please click below to request its removal:.
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Career Essay Explanation
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Aug 10, · 10 Lines On Career Essay 1 A career path should be chosen based on passion and interest in the field 2 There are plenty of career choices to choose from like engineering, medical, commerce or management 3 There is no one definition for a good career path 4 The suitability of a career depends on person to personEstimated Reading Time: 10 mins A career is a person's occupation for the most part of his or her life. Career management and choice are important aspects of any career. Choosing your career is an important decision. It requires you to analyze important issues such as your talents, how comfortable you are in performing a certain job, and how much you want to make. It is also wise to determine if you Apr 15, · Views on Career Essay. Date: 2 pages ( words) Categories: Career Back to list. This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay writers
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