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Employee motivation essay

Employee motivation essay

employee motivation essay

Employee motivation is the independent variable that is measured through recognition and empowerment and the dependent variable in the study is organizational effectiveness. To collect data relative to the research question the author uses experiments conducted by other studies View and download employee motivation essays examples. Also discover topics, titles, outlines, thesis statements, and conclusions for your employee motivation essay Jan 01,  · WhatsApp logo. Employees’ motivation is “The heart of giving the people what they really want most from work” (Dell, ). The more you are able to provide what they want, the more you should expect what you really want, namely: productivity, quality, and service. Jones and George () argue that employees’ motivation is as the “psychological forces that

Employee Motivation Essay Sample | Order-Essays

A substantial number of organizations have embraced strategic human resource management practices in the modern economic times. The reason for embracing strategic human resource management is that employee motivation essay is comprehensive and responsive to all the issues of management that arise in organizations. Most of the literature on organizational management point to the fact that employees are the most critical resources in organizations. This statement is backed by the fact that employees are the key pillars behind applicability and functioning of the non-human resources in organizations. Therefore, one of the areas that are given a lot of attention in strategic human resource management is the management of the expectations and demands of employees employee motivation essay organizations.

The complexity of managing employees comes from the fact that managing employees entails the management of their needs, expectations, as well as their emotions. Modern human resource managers in organizations are charged with managing performance Boudreau 3. According to Minermotivation is one of the key functions of organizational performance in contemporary organizations. In this paper, it is argued that employee motivation is a complex exercise, yet the most critical function of organizational performance in modern organizations, employee motivation essay. This paper employee motivation essay motivation as one of the key components of performance management in organizations, employee motivation essay.

The paper begins by developing the real value and meaning of motivation. The paper transits to the exploration of the manner in which employees are motivated. This is done through digging deep employee motivation essay motivational theories and real examples of how organizations implement employee motivation programs. As observed in the introduction, employee motivation is one of the key components of performance management, employee motivation essay. Different organizations adopt different techniques of motivating their employees. There exists no defined and static way of motivating employees in organizations. This is due to the variation in operational structures and design of human resource development practices in each organization. It is critical to define motivation in order to give a clear room for putting the term in the context of organizational management.

Motivation can be defined as a psychological feature that is meant to make people act towards a given set of objectives. Digging deeper into the meaning of the term motivation, it comes out that motivation is coined from the verb motive. Motive can mean desires, needs, demands, drives, and wants within a person Gollwitzer Basing on this premise, motivation can be defined as the process of stimulating a person to behave in a way that favours the accomplishment of certain goals. Therefore, the observation that motivation is a process implies that it is a continuous exercise. This is likened to the fact that the needs of people are complex and keep changing with the environment under which they are placed at a given time.

Moving back to the organizational context, it has been observed that the factors that stimulate the behaviour of employees include the desire for success, the desire for money, the need for recognition, and the desire for teamwork and job satisfaction among other individually and group derived needs Armstrong Bruce 1 observed that the need for motivation in organizations is inevitable. One of the main employee motivation essay of organizational managers is to ensure that employees discharge performance in the best of their skills and employee motivation essay. Therefore, the role of organizational leaders is to ensure that they arouse interest in the employees, which is vital for gearing the employees toward improving the standards of performance when discharging their roles in the organization.

Up to this point, it can be said that the role of motivating employees lies squarely with organizational leaders. What ought to be asked is whether organizations can attain their goals without the embrace of motivation. A simple answer to this question is that performance management is the core pillar of performance in modern organizations. This is evident across almost all industries in the world today Bruce 2, employee motivation essay. According to Management Study Guide n. These stages are: a need or drive, a stimulating ground in which the needs of employees are aroused and the satisfaction of the needs of employees, which is employee motivation essay accompanied by the accomplishment of the organizational performance goals.

The second stage implies that the employees may have needs that are not visible or understood by the management. Therefore, it is the role of the human resource managers to provide a ground on which the employees feel comfortable to raise their demands in which their needs are depicted. It can, thus, be said that motivation is the source of employee morale, employee motivation essay, which comes from the feeling that their needs have employee motivation essay met. The needs are best met through development and implementation of a desirable incentive plan.

Of critical relevance in employee motivation is the increase of the level of attachment of the employees to the organization Management Study Guide n. A critical observation of management denotes that employee motivation is an exercise that has been in application in organizations even before the 20 th century. The existence of motivational theories that date back to the pre-classical times to the classical theories of motivation and the contemporary motivational theories denotes that motivation is a vital and an applicable theory in organizational management. The classical theories of motivation were prevalent during the s, the time when most organizations in Western Europe were setting up proper structures to enhance competitiveness.

These theories provide the main ground on which the modern concepts and models of motivation are derived. It can be noted that the contemporary organizational environment depicts an increase in the number of factors that are affecting organizational management, yet the classical theories remain to be the core pillars on which the foundations of motivation are based Hoffmann The contemporary theories of motivation try to absorb emerging issues of management, employee motivation essay. This is due to the observation that the contemporary environment in which employees work is quite dynamic.

Contemporary theories bring out the significant changes in human behaviours and non-human factors and how they play out in the motivation of organizational employees. One of the main differences between the classical theories and the contemporary theories is that the contemporary theories of motivation are applied within the spectrum of human resource management. This implies that the contemporary theories are more responsive to organizational change compared to the classical theories, which were based on the principles of personnel management Hoffmann There is another category of employee motivation theory known as content motivational theories, employee motivation essay.

Employee motivation essay theories are often based on the needs of the workers in organizations. The needs of employees keep shifting and so do these theories seek to explore how employee motivation can be attained within such an environment, employee motivation essay. Motivation is mostly seen as a factor that comes from the internal drive of the employees, which comes from the satisfaction of the demands of the workers. The role of managers is expansive employee motivation essay these theories. Managers are charged with an extra role of ensuring that employees air out their views about the developments in the external and internal environment of the organization, employee motivation essay.

Changes in the internal and external environment of the organizations result in shifts in employee motivation essay demands and needs of employees. The change may be positive, meaning that it has a minimal impact on the employees and their needs. The change may also be negative, meaning that it attracts new demands and needs of the employees. Most of the contemporary theories of employee motivation mentioned in the above paragraph can also fit in this category of motivational theories Naoum Ankli and Palliam 7 observed that the most critical question that comes to the mind of people when talking about employee motivation is whether employees can be motivated.

According to Meyers et al. This is one of the sources of difficulties in comprehending the issue of employee motivation. The other concern about the applicability of employee motivation comes from the fact that the operational environment in which organizations prevail is quite dynamic and often results in changes in the needs of employees. The dynamics of the environment can result in scenarios where the needs of employees override the capacity of the organization to fulfil or respond to the needs and demands, employee motivation essay. An example employee motivation essay the recent global economic recession where the financial needs of employees rose significantly, yet most organizations suffered massive financial losses and could not meet the financial needs of their employees.

According to Ankli and Palliam 8employee motivation essay, the needs of employees may be satisfied directly or indirectly, which means that motivation is exercised irrespective of the conditions that are facing the organization. In fact, the real test of the potential of human resource managers to motivate organizations is seen during times when organizations are facing tough economic times. This implies that other tactics, other than the direct fulfilment of the employee needs and demands, have to be applied. A lot of uncertainties take course in organizations during tough times.

This raises the level of anxiety among employees, who worry about the potential of the organization to meet their needs. In such events, organizational managers are forced to reassure the employees through application employee motivation essay motivational models that are meant to retain the employees. This is a daunting task, considering the fact that other organizations may be offering attractive opportunities to the skilled employees. This can come out clearly when trying to explore the relationship between motivation and employee retention. In their exploratory research, in which they sought to establish the sources of employee motivation in organizations, Ankli and Palliam 8 found out that motivation is directly linked to the behaviour of employees.

Therefore, motivating employees entails the effort to change the behaviour of employees. By factoring the aspects of organizational behaviour in organizational performance appraisal, it comes out clearly that motivation is a complex process since it is not only bases on changing behaviour, but also a set of behaviours. In a number of circumstances, the behaviours may be generative and circular. According to Beswick 1the linkage between employees and rewards, on the other hand, depicts a broader picture of the concept of motivating employees. The rewards go hand in hand with motivation. However, it is not clear whether all rewards fulfil their intended purpose. Rewards may fail to achieve the desired objectives, especially in scenarios where organizational managers have not fully inspired the employees to bring out their needs and demands Management Study Guide n.

As noted earlier in this paper, organizational performance management is one of the most critical parameters that determine the ability of an organization to compete with other organizations in the industry and the collective economy in which an organization operate. Performance management cannot be fully explored without the explication of performance appraisal. According to Benson and Dundisemployee motivation essay, one of the key components of organizational appraisal systems is motivation.

By extension, employee motivation essay, it can be said that motivation lies at the centre of performance management. One of the strategies of managing employees, which receives a vast amount of attention in most organizations, is motivation. This can be understood by factoring in the theory of hierarchy of needs by Abraham Maslow. Evidence across a substantial number of organizations across the globe reveals that motivation often begins with the unearthing of the needs of the employees and the devise and the implementation of plans to satisfy the needs of the employees.

The question that should be posed at this point is whether motivation is only founded on the needs and satisfaction of the needs. This is not the truth; however, it is evident that motivation cannot be fully attained in any organization without satisfying the needs of employees. Having noted that the modern operational environment is very dynamic and challenging, it is apparent that modern managers ought to be proactive in the application of motivation in organizational functioning. There are a lot of changes in the functional environment of modern organizations.

These changes include the emerging technologies and the need for organizations to adopt the technologies, employee motivation essay, mounting competition between firms and the dynamic economic conditions. Organizations that have proven to have the power to thrive in the current economy are those that balance the needs of employees and the organizational dynamics. Benchmark organizations like Apple Incorporated, Microsoft Corporation and Tesco among others are often reported to invest vast amounts of resources in human resource development. Müller 2 argued that the rise of the Apple Incorporated into the scale of production that it enjoys today is largely attributed to the motivating factor in the organization. One can simply inquire about the mode of organizational motivation that is utilized employee motivation essay Apple Incorporated.

An exploration of the theories of motivation reveals that no organization can rely on a single source of employee motivation essay. Apple embraces both intrinsic and extrinsic motivations.

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employee motivation essay

Employee motivation is the independent variable that is measured through recognition and empowerment and the dependent variable in the study is organizational effectiveness. To collect data relative to the research question the author uses experiments conducted by other studies Employee motivation is what makes an employee willing to improve personal performance and effectiveness, resulting in the provision of the high-quality outcome at the workplace (Berrin & Bauler ). It is divided into intrinsic motivation (internal factors), such as a feeling of enjoyment brought by the work, and extrinsic motivation (external factors), such as blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins Jan 01,  · WhatsApp logo. Employees’ motivation is “The heart of giving the people what they really want most from work” (Dell, ). The more you are able to provide what they want, the more you should expect what you really want, namely: productivity, quality, and service. Jones and George () argue that employees’ motivation is as the “psychological forces that

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