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Essay corporal punishment

Essay corporal punishment

essay corporal punishment

Dec 07,  · Essay, Pages 7 ( words) Views. 8. This sample essay on Corporal Punishment Essay provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay’s introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Is corporal punishment needed to discipline children? Free Corporal Punishment Essays and Papers. Page 1 of 50 - About essays. Satisfactory Essays. Corporal Punishment. Words; 4 Pages; Corporal Punishment. Corporal and children punishment is the form of punishment which can include beating, branding, blinding, flogging and other physical pain to restrict unbearable behavior and reforming Corporal Punishment Essay. Corporal Punishment Essay. Corporal punishment is one of the most long-standing issues in education. There is no general consensus on the measures necessary to ensure student compliance in schools. Therefore, a number of techniques have been used, and some have involved the infliction of pain to alter misbehavior

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Corporal punishment is one of the most long-standing issues in education. There is no essay corporal punishment consensus on the measures necessary to ensure student compliance in schools. Therefore, a number of techniques have been used, and some have involved the infliction of pain to alter misbehavior. This entry looks at the history of corporal punishment in schools, the contemporary situation, and research on its impact. Caution and debate about the use of corporal punishment has a long history in education. The roots of corporal punishment can be traced back to the early history of the education system.

Almost from the very beginning of schooling, there have been discussions about the use of techniques intended to alter misbehavior. The religious foundation of the American education system has had a significant influence on the conception and ultimate use of corporal punishment. Conceptions about the nature of childhood, based on the King James Version of the Christian Bible i. The use of corporal punishment also has another interesting aspect to its history. There is a general belief that the intensity of punishment correlates with its effectiveness.

In other words, if a more intensive punishment technique is used, the child is more likely to engage essay corporal punishment more appropriate behavior in the future. Thus, one of the most intense forms of punishment that can be applied is corporal punishment. There is no empirical support for this notion essay corporal punishment does it seem like a favorable prospect for children attending schools. It was not until well into the twentieth century that some began to question the validity of corporal punishment in schools. This is not to imply that educators, essay corporal punishment, parents, and community members in general did not have concerns about the use of corporal punishment, essay corporal punishment, essay corporal punishment as the knowledge base of child development and the negative side effects of punishment became clearer, more questions were raised about its use essay corporal punishment schools.

Historically, one of the most significant events took place in the mids. In two landmark cases, the U. Supreme Court affirmed that the use of corporal punishment in schools neither violates the Eighth Amendment protection against cruel and unusual punishment nor breaches the due process guarantees of the Fourteenth Amendment Baker v. Owen, ; Ingraham v. Wright, Thus, the foundation was laid: Corporal punishment could be used in schools, and in many areas the use of corporal punishment has survived. The United Sates is unique in a number of ways, and one distinction pertains directly to corporal punishment.

The United States is one of two countries choosing not to ratify the Convention on the Rights of Child, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in November The document calls for a number of protections of children, including protection from violence. Corporal punishment is legal in twenty-seven states and the District of Columbia. The highest incidence of use is reported in the southern region of the United States, with Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas, making up the top ten. In essay corporal punishment of this, some major urban cities e.

The legal status of corporal punishment does not address the core matters regarding its validity. There is little debate about the intent of corporal punishment: All generally agree that techniques to alter student misbehavior should be used to promote a safe, effective, and efficient learning environment. What is often debated is the use of a technique that is based on the infliction of pain. Punishment, like many concepts that have been empirically evaluated, falls victim to completely different meanings in and outside of the laboratory. Social science researchers e. The meaning of corporal punishment to general society is accepted as any punishment that inflicts bodily pain to alter misbehavior. While many accept such a definition as clear and concise, for social scientists, this definition is problematic.

In contrast, social scientists define punishment as any action or event following behavior that results in the likelihood of that behavior not occurring in the future. Thus, it is clear the meaning and intent of the term punishment does not necessarily coincide with past and current practices in schools. The use of punishment is not only intended to stop the occurrence of misbehavior; many believe that the use of punishment techniques, most specifically corporal punishment, will actually teach children to discriminate between appropriate and inappropriate behavior, essay corporal punishment.

This has not been supported in a essay corporal punishment of rigorous tests, resulting in weak support at best for the use of punishment in general and corporal punishment in particular, essay corporal punishment. Therein lies one of the most highly debated issues in education: Should corporal punishment be used, and if it is applied, when, where, and who should apply this technique? Punishment has been researched for a number of years and there is solid evidence to indicate that a number of side effects can result from its use. These include the following: a it provides a model of aggression for students to follow, b it teaches that physical outbursts are an acceptable way of resolving conflict, c it may lead to decreased learning, d it may result in poor attendance, and e it may create an aversion to those responsible for delivering the punishment.

Corporal punishment is often thought to be one of the most intense forms of punishment to be applied as a measure of last resort. This should lead to the essay corporal punishment and use of progressive steps to be used when misbehavior occurs, ensuring that corporal punishment is not the first step and is used only sparingly, as a number of techniques will be applied before corporal punishment is even considered, essay corporal punishment. This does not seem to be the case in many schools, especially those in urban areas.

The arguments for and against the use of corporal punishment will continue to be discussed back and forth in the absence of empirical support for its use as well as a high level of social acceptance from general society. This example Corporal Punishment Essay is published for educational and informational purposes only. If you need a custom essay or research paper on this topic please use our writing services. com essay corporal punishment reliable custom essay writing services that can help you to receive high grades and impress your professors with the quality of each essay or research paper you hand in. Essay Examples, essay corporal punishment.

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Corporal Punishment Essay ⋆ Education Essay Examples ⋆ EssayEmpire

essay corporal punishment

Corporal Punishment in Disciplining the Children Essay. Everyone, who has to deal with children, knows that as a result of using rewards and a punishment, their children become disciplined and behave reasonably. Today, there are different views on the use of rewards and punishments in parenting among educators and the general public Feb 18,  · corporal punishment essay. Corporal punishment is an inflicted pain, as a punishment for something that was done wrong. At the beginning of the human’s civilization inflicting pain was a natural thing and it was the lesson for others Nov 29,  · If you like this essay, don’t be shine to pay people for essays at EssayBasics. Why Corporal Punishment Should Be Banned. Corporal punishment should be banned since numerous studies have proved that when pain is inflicted on an individual, it does not necessarily change his or her behavior

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