Essay On Corruption Essay on Corruption Causes and Effects. Corruption is a type of crime or dishonesty that takes place. Unrighteousness on Short and Long Paragraph on Corruption. Corruption is defined as the abuse of power for one’s own personal gain. Someone Anti-corruption measures based Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins OUTLINE. Definition of corruption (Firstly describe what Corruption is, it may be abuse of entrusted power) Essential components of corruption (Personal authority, Misbehavior conflicting, Pursuit of undue advantage and damages) Causes of corruption. Following are the main causes of corruption due to lack of. accountability Corruption refers to any act performed by individuals or a group in lieu of some form of bribes. Corruption is considered to be a dishonest and criminal act. If proven, Corruption can lead to Legal Punishments. Oftentimes the act of Corruption comprises the rights and privileges of some. It is very hard to find a definition that takes into account all the characteristics and Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
Corruption Essay in English words & Word
Hello Friend This is special category for our small reader who study in school. If they looking for english essay for their school homework or any kind of english essay article then this special category might help you all guys, corruption essay in english. in this article we will share Essay on Corruption in English for All class student. Initially we have publishedand word article for Corruption Essay. Corruption simply amounts to do something which should otherwise not be done. It is a malady that negates values of life, corruption essay in english. Corruption can be practised from a very trivial level, as hastening of a file by a peon, to harming the greatest national and global interests for selfish ends, such as com missions in the purchase of defence equipment.
Sadly enough, our country has earned notoriety for rampant corruption in almost all walks of life Bribery, nepotism misappropriation etc seem to be the guiding principles of our national lifeIn fact, dirty politics nurtures and nourishes corruption But what is disgusting is that corruption enjoys social respectability today. We are used to the grim pictures of corrupt activities in hospitals and corporations offices and institutes, corruption essay in english. Public services are badly affected bringing about untold sufferings to the common people who are unable to pay bribes. To weed out corruption from the society we badly need a thorough reform of the political process and a constant public corruption essay in english regarding all pub lic services and issues.
The cancer of corruption cannot be cured without drastic steps; unfortunately we cannot expect our leaders to frame laws which would go against them. Corruption can be defined as an act of dishonesty Or the use of a position of power or trust for dishonest gains, Corruption is a widespread phenomenon in the country. India figures as the seventh most corrupt Country in the World aCCOrding to Transparency International, a German non-governmental Organisation. Initially regarded as an incumbent product of public offices, Corruption now breeds in every strata of the society. From government departments and offices to corporates to institutions like schools and colleges-corruption dwells everywhere.
From the traditional bribery and nepotism, Corruption comes in other forms like donations in education institutions, hoarding and black marketing by traders. The famous Satyam Scam of manipulated and falsified accounts is a blatant example of corporate Corruption. Thus, Corruption is not Confined to a particular sector but pervades the entire society. Corruption in India leads to promotion not prison, it has wings not wheels. As the nation grows, the corrupt also grow to invent new methods of cheating the government and public. Indian administration is tainted with scandals. Years of public Silence and tolerance Only emboldened the perpetrators and gave rise to the malicious practice. The last few years have seen the unveiling of some of the greatest scams and scandals like the 2G Cam, bofors scam.
faulty DLF land deal, etc. The endless list of cases inVolving several millions of rupees put the entire nation to shame. Corruption in India has become an endemic of pic scale. its causes are many and complex, Emergence of political elite with no obligation of public accountability is one of the greatest reason that allow this malpractice to flourish. It is the moral obligation of every Indian including those in power make efforts to weed out this cancer of corruption from the nation. At this stage, what we need are simple and transparent laws, a quick and honest investigation process and an equally quick judicial process, corruption essay in english. Electoral reforms like denying persons with criminal records a chance to contest the election, corruption essay in english, making political parties get their accounts audited regularly, etc, corruption essay in english.
However, Some welcome steps have come in recently like the Right to Information Act and the granting of extra powers to the Corruption essay in english, Enforcement Directorate and Vigilance Department to tackle this menace. The role of media in highlighting Corruption needs to be praised, but still, a lot more needs to be done, especially to nab the officials at the higher levels and the Corporate scamsters. Corruption has a Corrosive impact on Our economy and society. It worsens Our image in international market and leads to loss of verse as opportunities. Corruption is an insidious plague that has a wide range of corrosive effects on societies. India was one of the countries that did not ratify it. It, thus gave an impression that India is not keen to countenance corruption leave alone tackling it.
India endorsed two out of 71 articles of this convention, corruption essay in english. Any wonder that corruption in India has acquired gigantic proportion and has become institutionalised According to what is stated in the Convention, corruption essay in english is clear that corruption is at the root of all corruption essay in english that affect our society today This evil phenomenon is found in all countries irrespective of their size and shape, corruption essay in english. It makes no distinction between the rich and the poor and impacts all, corruption essay in english, everywhere. However, its impact is most destructive and catastrophic in the developing countries. India is a developing country and as Indians we feel the pinch of this menace in every walk of life.
Seen from the perspective of India, it can well be said that corruption is the bane of Indian modern society It would be difficult to trace an individual who is either him self or herself not corrupt or not affected by this scourge of corruption in one way or the other. Strangely enough, instead corruption essay in english being frowned upon, the menace appears to have gained in respectability The more corrupt you are the, more acceptable you are. It is a clear pointer to the erosion in the value system of our society. We no longer despise the corrupt. We accord them re spect and the honest are shown contempt or are laughed at. The corrupt are flush with money. Money buys them comfort and peace. This is closely linked to money and status that money provides.
Corruption essay in english one bothers about how the money or wealth is acquiredAll one is concerned with is the acquisition of it. It can buy peace be cause if someone pries into the ill-gotten wealth money can silence him. Corruption is a key element in economic underperformance and a major obstacle to poverty alleviation and development. For instance we do not have to look far away. MGNREGA is a classic example of how a noble scheme has been turned into a vehicle of corruption at mass level. Indian public distribution system PDS is the fountainhead of corruption. Food grains meant for the poor are siphoned off to markets at a premium leaving the needy high and dry It is because of the corrupt system that while food grains rot, corruption essay in english, the poor are left unfed.
Corruption is the bane of any civilised societyIndia ranks very high on the meter of corruption. The country is identified as one of the most corrupt nations in the world. In recent times, India has been discussed in international forum more for corruption than for any achievements. If we are asked to make a list of all scams that have surfaced in India in recent times we may end up compiling a book Even if We would like to forget them, 2G Common wealth Games, Coalgate, Bofors security scam fodder scam and housing scam would keep teas ing us for long corruption is one of the most important issues Anna Hazare had to launch his movement to highlight corruption at the high places.
The situation is so grave in India today that one cannot get any work done from a government outfit unless one pays gratification money by way of bribe. For those who amass wealth through corrupt means, it is not a problem at all. The problem is for the honest people who do not have enough money even for mere subsistence Finding money for getting a job done is next to impossible and it is his life, corruption essay in english, the life of an honest person, which is at stake. In a society where corrupt rule the roost, the merit has no takersFor any nation where merit has no takers, it is a dangerous situation.
Every citizen should be deeply concerned about the impact of corruption on the political, social and economic stability and development of our societyIt should be recognised by one and all that prevention and combating of corruption is a common and shared responsibility of all and at all levels. It would seem that while the government has surrendered before the corrupt, the judiciary has taken initiative to stem the rot. I-fit were not for judicial activism the culprits would never have been brought to book. If it were not for the alert judiciary the likes of Laloo and Masood would have continued to preside over our destiny instead of being pushed into jail.
It is rightly said that corruption is corruption essay in english worldwide phenomenon. It is generally seen that the foreign companies and governments often pay bribes in the interest of their own country. It is condemnable according to the tradition of the Indian culture. Even if we admit that corruption is a worldwide phenomenon, yet we have to agree that in India probably it has crossed all conceivable limits. Corruption is there right from the peon level to the level of the highest officers. The politicians are probably corruption essay in english most tainted people. You cannot think of moving a file from one table to another until it has wings of silver attached to it.
Every almirahs in a government department opens only with a silver key. There are innumerable scams in our country, corruption essay in english. Corruption essay in english can not even remember the names of some of them. There is hardly a government or semi-government department where there is no major or minor scam of one or the other kind. It will be right to say that corrupt public servant is a menace to society as he does not discharge his duties properly. He does not adhere to the rule of law and brings disrepute to the government and society. Thus we have urea scam, fodder scam, corruption essay in english, sugar scam, housing Scam, recruitment scam, stationery scam, rice scam, land grabbing and encroachment scam, petrol pump scam, telecom scam and so many others.
No doubt we need some awakened citizens to overcome this menace. Some agencies like the CBI,CVC, etc are also trying to check this menace. The courts are also doing a lot to punish the culprits. But the success for various reasons is limited. Legal squabbles which are sometimes unavoidable also at times hinder the process of corruption management. Corruption essay in english instance, the Bofors case has been dragging for years. The most important thing is that the people themselves should show awakening and resistance and vigilance not to give bribe to any employee or other person to get their work done quickly. The tainted politicians should not be allowed to contest elections, They should be socially boycotted by the people apart from being punished by the courts under the due process of law.
Respect for the honest citizens in society should be restored. Now, we are confronted with the seemingly intractable problem of corruption which has penetrated all parts of public life and is virtually eating into the vitals of our great country. Take the case of bribe. We should remember that though the law considers both bribe-taking and bribe-giving criminal offences. vet the bribe-givers think that only bribe-takers should be punished, corruption essay in english. Trisapity that India has become notorious for being the land scams galore in India. To make a list scams and scandals.
Essay or speech on Corruption in English for Higher Secondary Students
, time: 2:39
Essay On Corruption Essay on Corruption Causes and Effects. Corruption is a type of crime or dishonesty that takes place. Unrighteousness on Short and Long Paragraph on Corruption. Corruption is defined as the abuse of power for one’s own personal gain. Someone Anti-corruption measures based Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins Jan 05, · Corruption Essay in English words 1. The Hawala scam 2. The Bofors scam 3. The Urea scam 4. The Fodder scam 5. The Sugar scam 6. The Recruitment scam 7. The Housing scam 8. The Petrol pumps scam 9. The Telecom scam The Securities scam The Text-books scam G spectrum allocation scam Estimated Reading Time: 11 mins OUTLINE. Definition of corruption (Firstly describe what Corruption is, it may be abuse of entrusted power) Essential components of corruption (Personal authority, Misbehavior conflicting, Pursuit of undue advantage and damages) Causes of corruption. Following are the main causes of corruption due to lack of. accountability
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