Stress may cause or prolong an illness or increase its severity. Epinephrine and norepinephrine are hormones that are released during a stress reaction that affect organs throughout the body. As a result from the hormones being secreted, the heart begins to beat more rapidly, muscle tension increases, blood pressure raises, and heavy breathing may blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins Also stress is current and is not limited to particular sectors, jobs or blogger.com can be effects by employers in several ways and each one will be face stress in different way. The person will start feel stress if she\he do not have resources to cope the situation. Moreover the employer feel stress when the manager give him demands greater than his ability to blogger.com The causes and effects of stress are numerous and one’s ability to manage stress is vital in maintaining healthy living. First, stress is defined as an unpleasant state of emotional and physiological arousal that people experience in situations that they perceive as dangerous or threatening to their well being (Patel, 14)
Cause And Effect Of Stress Essay
It happens sometimes that stress disturbs our life greatly. Stress is not only some unpleasant situation that makes us feel inconvenient, stress can even cause harm our health. In this stress cause and effect essay we are going to discuss how exactly stress influences us, what forms it has and how we can fight it using different methods and strategies of stress overcoming, cause and effect essay on stress. Stress is responsiveness of the body to overstrain, negative emotions or just monotonous routine. During stress human body produces hormone called adrenalin, which makes us find way out. Stress in small doses is needed to everyone, because it makes us think, look for solutions of the problems, without stress at all life would be boring.
However, cause and effect essay on stress, if there is too much stress, cause and effect essay on stress, body weakens, loses energy and ability to solve problems. There is a huge number of essays about stress devoted to this problem. Mechanisms of stress formation are studied in detail and they are quite complicated: they are connected with our hormonal, nervous and vessel system. It should be mentioned that strong stresses influence our health. Stress affects immune system and causes many diseases cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and other kinds of diseases. That is why we should resist stress state and give us positive life orientation.
What is stress from practical point of view? If you are in a stress state, it means only one thing: your body has reacted to some external irritant. For example, physical stress is strong cold or unbearable heat, high or low atmosphere pressure. Everyone needs some dose of stress for successful existence. It is the moving power of our development. It is similar to awakening from sleep. You need to wake up and leave your bed to go to work in the morning. To reach work activity you need a push, cause and effect essay on stress, a small portion of adrenaline. Eustresses carry out this function. Distresses harmful stresses appear at critical overstrain. This state corresponds to all beliefs that we have about stress. Almost everything can cause stress, everything that concerns an individual, that irritates him.
For example, to the external causes we can include anxiety or worrying on any reason change of work, death of a relative and cause and effect essay on stress on. Internal causes of stress are life values and beliefs. Personal self-esteem of a person also belongs here. Men as well as women equally suffer from stresses. However each organism has its own features. If you start noticing the signs of stress overstrain of your body, the first thing you should do it to figure out what has caused the stress. It is obvious that it is much easier to fight the causes of stress than its consequences. People say that all the diseases appear because of nerves.
Clinical observations have shown that small stresses are not harmful for the body, but even useful. They stimulate man to find way out of the difficult situation. Not to let depression transform into more serious constant state, each of us should take care of self-education and development of will. Many people used to fight depression with the help of antidepressants, drugs or alcohol. They think, why they should spend time on will development if there are easier ways. They do not think that they may become addicted and later their will need the help of specialists to fight the addiction.
It is well known that there is no better medicine than sound sleep. So think of how you sleep. Here are some tips that will make your sleep better. Each cause and effect essay on stress us one way or another can experience stress state, cause and effect essay on stress. Also each of us has already developed mechanisms of its fighting, because there is no one unique receipt that helps everyone to overcome stress. Mechanisms of stress state fighting are individual and depend on certain situation. Something that perfectly helps one person, can be unacceptable for other. Something that works in one situation, may not work in other. It is known that there are several options of stress fighting. First of all, this is method directed on the fighting of the stress causes.
It implies problem oriented strategy of long action cause and effect essay on stress changes either situation, or person. You find the cause of stress and eliminate it. This method can be used only in the case when you exactly realize what cause your stress, you want to get rid of them, and fast but temporary solution of the problem does not satisfies you, or you feel that stress state is coming and you want to be prepared for it. Second of all, there are so called fast methods that can easy the situation for some time. In this case you try to reduce the level of stress reaction you already have and you try to avoid their worsening. These methods are acceptable for the cases when you can not due to different reasons and circumstances eliminate the cause of the stress.
In fact, there are many ways to relax and have a rest. It can be a walk, reading of a book, listening to or playing music, going in for sport or just doing nothing. Choice depends on you only. Learn to plan your time. Think of how much time you spend uselessly and maybe you will find ways to spend it with much more use. With the help of systematic planning you will learnt to find any solution very fast. Cause and effect essay on stress main points here are problem formulation causes, goals, barriersdevelopment and choosing of a right way of solution, its implementation, and efficiency evaluation.
It is also important to understand that problems are absolutely normal phenomenon of our life. Your own behavior and too high insistence may lead to stress. Try to change your position, think over the demands, and evaluate your abilities. It will keep you from mistakes and as a consequence from stressful situations. Now you know that some small amount of stress is even useful for us, but when stress is serious, we need to fight it because it affects the body and life in general. I hope there was something new and informative for you in this essay on stress.
Anyway, if you look for really good essay writing service, then the best option for you is Puressay. Our website has at its disposal numerous essays on various topics written by team of professional essay writers. Of course, you may try to search for something else, but my advice is do not waste your time and contact us. Toggle navigation. Home Services Blog Order Now Login. Cause And Effect Of Stress Essay. Definition of stress Stress is responsiveness of the body to overstrain, negative emotions or just monotonous routine. Symptoms of stress What is stress from practical point of view? Constant feeling of irritation, depression, often without any obvious reasons.
Bad disturbing sleep. Depressions, physical weakness, headache, tiredness, absence of desire to do anything. Reduced attention concentration that makes it cause and effect essay on stress to study or work. Memory problems and slower thinking process. Impossibility to relax, to forget for a while about your business or troubles. Absence of interest to people who surround you, even to best friends, relatives and close ones. Constantly arousing desire to cry, tearfulness that sometimes turns into sobbing, melancholy, pessimism, pity to yourself. Reduced appetite, however sometimes people start eating too much, uncontrolled food intake.
There are often nervous tics and obsessive habits, such cause and effect essay on stress a person bites the lips, cause and effect essay on stress, nails and so on. Person often shows mistrust cause and effect essay on stress everything and everyone. Chemical stress means influence of different toxic substances. Psychical stress is strong negative or positive emotions. Traumas, virus infections, muscle overstrains are biological stresses. Causes of stress Almost everything can cause stress, everything that concerns an individual, that irritates him. Treatment and prophylactic of stress It is well known that there is no better medicine than sound sleep.
Regular physical exercises are very helpful for good sleep. It is more preferable to do it outside couple hours before sleep. Before going to sleep you can take warm bath, listen to quiet, calm music. If you have such an opportunity, combine bath taking with music. Try to do it every day. To have sound deep sleep, body needs hormone called melatonin. Our body produces it when we take vitamins of group B. Rise, wheat, barley, sunflower seeds, dried apricots are rich with these vitamins.
Cause Effect Essay - English Writing Skills- Focus on CAUSES
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Also stress is current and is not limited to particular sectors, jobs or blogger.com can be effects by employers in several ways and each one will be face stress in different way. The person will start feel stress if she\he do not have resources to cope the situation. Moreover the employer feel stress when the manager give him demands greater than his ability to blogger.com The causes and effects of stress are numerous and one’s ability to manage stress is vital in maintaining healthy living. First, stress is defined as an unpleasant state of emotional and physiological arousal that people experience in situations that they perceive as dangerous or threatening to their well being (Patel, 14) If one does not try to reduce his or her physical stress and try to eliminate it, the negative physical stress can cause many problems. Stress is a physical response to negative events that happen in someone’s life. "The body's stress response can increase your strength and stamina, speed your reaction time. And enhance your focus-preparing you to either fight or flee " ("Stress")
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